We’re Chris & Sharolyn, the dynamic artist duo sometimes known for creating things like the world’s largest potato(es), a rocket ship & pirate ship for a children’s museum, and other kinds of things. We specialize in creating aesthetic + functional works for residential homes, commercial and public spaces.
Reclaimed / Natural Edge
big walnut slab
Come visit us at THE DEE MILL near Parkdale, Oregon where we mill, kiln dry and sell slabs of all sizes and species!
Big Idaho Potatoes
Yes, potatoes. We've fabricated several giant tubers now...one is traveling around the country on a semi truck, another one glows at night and drops in Boise every New Year's Eve.
Sculpture / Architectural Elements
Custom, tig welded steel railing with patina and wax finish
Everything from residential fireplace accents to commercial climbing gyms, all custom built.