Exciting and adventurous… all custom built exhibits on display at the Children’s Museum of Idaho.
we Sculpted this concrete cave to resemble idaho granite. Our inspiration came from the city of rocks, one of our favorite places to climb.
Arrrgh, matey! This pirate ship shipwrecked itself into the museum’s centerpiece exhibit. See how it was built in the photos to the right.
this astronomically cool rocket was fabricated with fiberglass. A tedious but fun process…building a near-perfect model, making a mold and then forming parts from the mold. the space-person was a fun addition, complete with her coffee mug in hand. ;)
Jet plane ready for take-0ff…Thanks to the assistance of noel Weber, classic design studios. Kids love to take the steering yolks and soar through the wild blue yonder of their imaginations.
Rock cave, pirate ship, and rocket ship, all together at the children’s museum of idaho!
a walk through the cave
hand-carved foam to look like old wood
custom-made maple railing tops, window frames and dead-eyes, and a cool, kid-friendly “telescope”
space command center inside the rocket